A gal called me two days ago to ask permission to use a picture from this post (the pearls) for a big gala she was planning. Upon re-reading the post, I really had to giggle at the irony of it all. It is humbling to realize that my New Year’s resolutions that I THOUGHT were 2015, are actually just recycled from 2012. So… thought it best to re-post. AND recycle… live happy xo

live happy

jewelry storageSo every day, my friend Martha (Stewart) sends me an “organizing tip of the day”. (Thanks, Martha) Let’s just say that I have been feeling pretty good about the (slow and) steady progress that I have been making in this department.  Now mind you, this “organize my life” project started way before the whole “New Year’s Resolutions” thingie…  As a matter of fact (confession alert!!), this “organizational mode of thinking” actually WAS a “New Year’s Resolution”.  In 2012.  OK.  So it’s “long-term”.  So what.  At least I’m still plugging away; Right???  So back to the part where I am feeling pretty good about my progress.  Today’s tip really threw me for a loop.

“Jewelry boxes can be handy, but they can also turn your prettiest baubles into unsightly nests of knots.  Let your hodgepodge of china collect something besides dust: Orphaned teacups and saucers are perfect vessels for sorting jewelry…

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